Category Archives: Video Psychic Readings

Monthly Horoscopes February 2013

Monthly Horoscopes February 2013. Join me for your FREE Monthly Video Horoscope. Discover why Neptune is such a major influence this month.


This may be the planet of dreams, but it can also be a very illusory vibe. Currrently Neptune resides in its “home zodiac sign” of Pisces. And its shimmering aura is wonderful to help us dream, create and attune. But when it joins with  other planets, it can also wash away at the reality they try to bring.

Monthly Horoscopes February 2013

Mars, Mercury, the Sun and also Venus all go alongside Netpune this month making for a unique skyscape. Join me watch your Monthly Horoscope Video to discover why this is so important, alongside the retrogrades that begin for Saturn and Mercury.

Psychic Reading

Psychic Reading. Have you checked out my Video Psychics service? You can chat live PRIVATELY with a Psychic or Astrologer for FREE, and if you then have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.


Weekly Horoscope Videos from 28th January

Weekly Horoscope Videos from 28th January. The fall out from the Full Moon continues. Did you find your feelings closer to the surface? It’s possible that you did.

Yet as the week begins the Sun and Mercury both forge fab links to Jupiter the planet of hope and expansion. And Jupiter and Uranus continue there amazing angle which is superb for innovation. All this points towards more ground breaking initiatives.

Weekly Horoscope Videos from 28th January

Unfortunately from Tuesday, through to the end of the week, Saturn squares up to the Sun, so look out for someone determined to get their way, however marvellous and compelling you think your approach is.

Jupiter goes forwards

Also fortune bringer Jupiter, goes into forward motion on Wednesday. This will also be helpful for a more enlightened approach. For more on your Horoscope Videos from 28th January

Psychic Reading

Psychic Reading. Have you checked out my Video Psychics service? You can chat live PRIVATELY with a Psychic or Astrologer for FREE, and if you then have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.

Astrology – Leo Full Moon

Astrology – The Leo Full Moon. The Sun makes a perfect link to Jupiter this weekend, and this Trine, can give us all a shot of hope. Jupiter in traditional astrology was linked to luck.

Modern astrology is more about developing our awareness of when to make our moves, and on the face of it, this can be a good time to be bold.

Astrology – Leo Full Moon

However, one of the crucial issues for an astrologer is weighting or balancing any contrasting influences at work. So, unfortunately with Saturn still angling sharply to Mercury (also in Aquarius) someone, somewhere may try to pour negativity on our hopefulness.

Yet with the Moon set to travel into Leo, and the Full Moon which will angle itself brilliantly to Jupiter, it will be important to keep the faith, and if you want to do something groundbreaking or different, don’t let the doubters stop you. Willpower and optimism can overcome.

Psychic Reading

Psychic Reading. Have you checked out my Video Psychics service? You can chat live PRIVATELY with a Psychic or Astrologer for FREE, and if you then have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.

Weekly Horoscope Videos from 21st January

Weekly Horoscope Videos from 21st January. The Sun and Mercury become established in the sign of Aquarius. Already Mars is located in this sign, and the co-ruler of the Water Carrier prominent.

How? Well, Jupiter and Uranus have forged a fab angle all year, fantastic for innovation. Now The Sun and Mercury angle up to these two planets as well. Although the first part of Aquarius is governed by Saturn, all this points towards more progress and co-operative possibilities.

Weekly Horoscope Videos from 21st January

Look to find ways to build collaboration with others. Yet this doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your individuality or independence, just that if you have link up with others, there can be many benefits from this.

Full Moon in Leo

By Sunday  27th, the Full Moon in Leo is softened by angling itself to fortune bringer Jupiter. This will take the edge off things, but for more on your Horoscope Videos from 21st January

Astrology Reading

For a Live Astrology Reading or Psychic Reading. Chat live PRIVATELY with with one of my team by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Astrology and Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.


Halloween Horoscopes

Halloween Horoscopes. Today sees the Sun and Pluto in a potent combination. The Sun has moved on from the crunch tackle of Saturn, and now with Pluto, promotes the concept of change, and positive change at that.

Some of these changes may be taking place in terms of physical alterations in your situation, some may be taking place at a more emotional and inner level.  Change for many of us can be scary, quite appropriate with Halloween today, but equally if we don’t embrace movement, sometimes it can be thrust upon by external events, so do be proactive.


It is beleived that the origins of Halloween may probably be found in an ancient, pre-Christian Celectic festival which honored the dead. The Celts divided their year into four major holidays and according to this calendar, the year began on a day which now corresponds to November 1 on the modern calendar. The date marked the advent Winter and since the Celts were pastoral people it was a time when cattle and sheep were moved to closer partures and livestock secured for the coming months of harsh Winter. It was also a time when crops were harvested and stored..a date which marked both an ending and a beginning in a  perpetual cycle of life.

This Celectic festival was observed at a time people called Samhain..the largest and most significant holiday of the year..also comoonly refferred to as as Hollows Eve. The Celts lived aprroximately 2000 years ago in  the areas now know as Ireland, the United Kingdom and Northern France. It was beleived that at the time of Smhain more so than any other period during the year, the ghosts of the dead were able to to mingle with living. This belief stemmed from the idea that during Samhain, the souls of those who had  died during the year would being their travels into the Underworld. It was also a time Lord Samhain, Lord of Darkness would arrive in search of those spirits in order that might aid them in their journey. Gatherings were sacrifice animals, vegetables and fruit. Bonifires were lit to honour the dead and to aid the souls as they journed. The fire was also beneficial in keeping such souls away from the living since on that all manner of beings might be about – ghosts, fairies, demons…all considered to be a part and parcel of the dark and dread.

Psychic Reading

Psychic Reading. Have you checked out my Video Psychics service? You can chat live PRIVATELY with a Psychic or Astrologer for FREE, and if you then have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.


Horoscopes 11th September

Horoscopes 11th September. The Moon spends much of today in a tense right angle to Saturn however both Cancer, the Moon’s ruler and accomodation today and Libra, Saturn’s current home, are zodiac signs known for being able to work on a collective basis.

Clearly this won’t always be so, and both are Cardinal signs, one of the small cadre of leader signs. So if you find yourself getting at cross purposes to anyone try to stay cool and work it out.

Horoscopes 11th September

The Sun and Mercury continue to cruise along together in Virgo. The upside of this conjunction can be brilliant brainwaves. The downside is that this combination can find it hard to appreciate the wider scheme of things, so important to avoid jumping to conclusions.

Pleasingly, Venus really begins to sparkle with the unpredictable help of Uranus. Suggeting that there can be unexpected financial, or love developments in the works. Join me for more on your Horoscopes 11th September.

Psychic Reading

Psychic Reading. Have you checked out my Video Psychics service? You can chat live PRIVATELY with a Psychic or Astrologer for FREE, and if you then have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.


Horoscopes September 2012

Horoscopes September 2012. So as we usher in another month, what does September hold in store? And does yesterday’s Blue Moon still hold sway? Well certainly it does, please join me for more…

Horoscopes September 2012

The Blue Moon is essentially a Full Moon, but this one was extra significant because of the link it forged to Pluto, the planet which prompts change, amongst many other guises. But if you think in terms of your situation, something may demand you react to changes that seem to becoming from outside, and these are always less easy to manage.

Other changes you may be driving yourself, and of course, that’s good because we feel more in control. And in the first week of September there is more change potential as Mars and Pluto link, urging us to really go with this changing landscape.

Week two of September finds Venus newly located in Leo and soon sparking marvellously with Uranus, so look to invest greater spontaneity around your your love life. Week two also sees the Sun and Mercury side by side, great for coming up with ingenious ideas, but we must also resist jumping to conclusions.

The 16th September sees a New Moon in Virgo, but this one forges a great link to Saturn, so any breakthroughs could be long lasting. The 17th sees Mercury move into Libra, and soon it sparkles brightly with Venus, but goes face to face with Uranus. Surprises mount, and some outspoken outbursts!

Week three also sees Mercury square Pluto, try not to force your ideas on anyone and resist anyone forces theirs on you. Uranus also continues to square with Pluto all month, so the forces of change clash with the forces of conservatism.

The Sun moves into Libra on the 23rd of September, and by the 26th, it too goes face to face with Uranus, so there can be quite a lot of spikiness this month, for sure. For your Horoscopes September 2012 by Horoscope Video, for each sign, please join me.

Astrology Reading

Live Astrology or Psychic Reading. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.

Horoscopes 29th August

Horoscopes Wednesday 29th August. The Moon remains in the fair-minded Aquarius.  Queen Elizabeth II, David Beckham and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair all have the Moon in Aquarius in their Natal Horoscopes.

Horoscopes 29th August

The Moon also makes a brief but uplifting angle to the bubbly energies of Jupiter, then later today goes opposite Venus in Leo, and the trick will be to blend a realistic and logical approach with anything which seems rather too good to be true. However, I think the Aquarius Moon can be good for Venus, with some lovely exchanges possible.

The Sun in Virgo also makes a very important and potentially profound link with the penetrative, deep and transformational powers of tiny Pluto and potent changes both at an emotional or practical level, can be triggered by this. For more on your Horoscopes 29th August.

Astrology Reading

Live Astrology or Psychic Reading. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.


Horoscopes 23rd August

Horoscopes Thursday 23rd August. The Sun moves into Virgo from Leo, and in the structure of the zodiac, this is the time of the year when we are asked to get with it on all life’s basics.

Horoscopes 23rd August

However, in 2012, the entrance of the Sun to Virgo is not without complication, for Neptune, which has been opposing the Sun on a disassociate basis for the last couple of days, will do so directly until Sunday.

If your situation has been bogged down (despite the Sun and Mars urging us into action) or your time has just seemed to be ebb away, or you have felt less energized than usual, the likely cause of this will be Neptune.

It is important to never ever underestimate this planet. Neptune is back at home in Pisces, but it has a tendency to wash away at the base of structures, sometimes erroding them.

The Sun opposite Neptune can also point towards misunderstandings, confusion, lack of trust or at its worst deciet or illusion, sometimes self delusion. We all need to be aware of our motives, and those of others, for the next few days. So it will be next Monday, before the true power of Virgo will really gain traction.

The upside, is that Mars retains station to the Sun in a Sextile, which will be reinforced from tomorrow, when Mars arrives home in Scorpio, but more about this then. For your Horoscopes 23rd August, please join me.

Psychic Reading

Live Astrology or Psychic Reading. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.

Weekly Horoscopes from 20th August

Weekly Horoscopes from 20th August. The week begins with the Moon in Libra. Yet it goes face to face with the volatile energies of Uranus later on Monday, suggesting something restless or unexpected can occur.

Weekly Horoscopes from 20th August

Yet the great link between Mercury and Uranus continues from last week, great for innovation and for pushing ourselves outside our comfort zones. The week also begins with positive links between the Sun and Mars. However, your Weekly Horoscopes from 20th August also sees the Sun move on Thursday into Virgo. For a couple of days before then, it is in a disassociate oppostion with Neptune, and then when the Sun moves, and exact opposition right until the end of the week.

This influence can see us confused as to what to do, especially around any interaction with others. If you are being offered a contract, read the small print. If you meet a new alluring person, get to know them before diving in to a full-on affair. Be conscious of your own motives, and of course of the motives of others. Realise that things are set to be hazy.


Live Astrologers and Psychics readings. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.