Monthly Archives: August 2012

Blue Moon 31st August

Blue Moon 31st August. Today sees a Blue Moon in Pisces. Now, in case you weren’t sure, this is when two Full Moon’s occur in the same month. The first in August was on the 2nd in Aquarius.

Blue Moon 31st August

Now if you want to know more about the story behind the Blue Moon 31st August itself, please join me on my blog for the inside track.

But what about the impact from an Astrology point of view? Well this particular Blue Moon forges a Sextile to Pluto as well as the opposition to the Sun in Virgo. Now Pluto may be the smallest of the planetary movers and shakers, but it it mightily important. And with the 6th/12th Axis stimulated, this is asking us to see how the psychologically side of our health, and our subconscious, can have a very potent impact on our physical wellbeing.

Pluto’s role here is to urge us to reach out towards the emotionally sound support structures and people in our lives. To listen to our inner voice, or sixth sense. If you have felt battered by the storms that life sometimes throws at us, it asks you to dig down into your deeper reserves. Equally, Pluto is the planet of change and transformation and in its current angle to the Sun – a positive Trine, this is asking us to go with any changes, and welcome them, however tough some of these may be.

Astrology Reading

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Horoscopes 30th August

Horoscopes Thursday 30th August. The Moon continues  its journey in Aquarius, but by midnight will passinto Pisces, where it merges with Neptune before tomorrow’s Blue Moon.

Horoscopes 30th August

The dreams that have been so to the fore for many of us, can be back tonight, so when you relax this evening, why not think of the most revererd place in your world, bethis a beach, a stream, or somewhere else that especially inspiring for you, then really embrace the memory of this, and you can doze off, in a really nice space.

Now today itself, the Sun and Pluto continue their highly powerful Trine. This can be fantastic for triggering major changes, both at a practical and psychological level, far within us, but furthermore Mars in Scorpio starts to angle to Pluto also. All this can provide us with the willpower to go for what we want, so be as determined as you need to be. Your Horoscopes 30th August.

Astrology Reading

Live Astrology or Psychic Reading. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.

Horoscopes 29th August

Horoscopes Wednesday 29th August. The Moon remains in the fair-minded Aquarius.  Queen Elizabeth II, David Beckham and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair all have the Moon in Aquarius in their Natal Horoscopes.

Horoscopes 29th August

The Moon also makes a brief but uplifting angle to the bubbly energies of Jupiter, then later today goes opposite Venus in Leo, and the trick will be to blend a realistic and logical approach with anything which seems rather too good to be true. However, I think the Aquarius Moon can be good for Venus, with some lovely exchanges possible.

The Sun in Virgo also makes a very important and potentially profound link with the penetrative, deep and transformational powers of tiny Pluto and potent changes both at an emotional or practical level, can be triggered by this. For more on your Horoscopes 29th August.

Astrology Reading

Live Astrology or Psychic Reading. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.


Weekly Video Horoscopes from 27th August

Weekly Video Horoscopes from 27th August. The Sun continues to forge a great link with the feisty energies of Mars, and now that the Sun has shaken off the enervating opposition of Neptune, its all to go for.

Weekly Video Horoscopes from 27th August

This is also a week when the Sun forges a stunning link to Pluto. Change, transformation, searing insights, are all possible, but ones that can tangible and long lasting. Sometimes we make changes ourselves, at others, they are driven, scarily from outside, but hold with the concept that there is always a point.

Mercury also forges an excellent link with Saturn through to Friday. This gives structure and clarity, although when Mercury moves on Saturday, it too goes face to face with Neptune.

With the Blue Moon on Friday as ever, it’s all about finding balance between the different pulls in your life, but this too encourages us to balance the spiritual and the psychological, with the practical.

Join me to watch your Weekly Video Horoscope from 27th August for each of the twelve zodiac signs. Gain insights beyond the written word, to successfully surf this historic week.


Astrology 24th August

Astrology 24th August. The Sun remains engaged in an opposition with the dreamy and potentially deceptive Neptune, but Mars relocates today to one of its two homes, of Scorpio.

Astrology 24th August

The Sun and Mars have been on good terms since the 11th of August, though other planetary factors have at times affected their sextile. This is resumed with them both in new homes. Remember the Sun has just moved into Virgo which is Earth.

Parodoxically, Mars’ own angle to Neptune over the weekend is rather good, helping to soften  some of the ego that Mars brings to situations, and asking us to look  to be caring towards others. However, there may be some guilt trips doing the rounds (Sun opposite Neptune), but if you are giving today, you need to be so with an open heart. Astrology 24th August also sees the Moon in Scorpio still, so some deep energies can also be stirred.

Astrology Reading

Live Astrology or Psychic Reading. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.


Horoscopes 23rd August

Horoscopes Thursday 23rd August. The Sun moves into Virgo from Leo, and in the structure of the zodiac, this is the time of the year when we are asked to get with it on all life’s basics.

Horoscopes 23rd August

However, in 2012, the entrance of the Sun to Virgo is not without complication, for Neptune, which has been opposing the Sun on a disassociate basis for the last couple of days, will do so directly until Sunday.

If your situation has been bogged down (despite the Sun and Mars urging us into action) or your time has just seemed to be ebb away, or you have felt less energized than usual, the likely cause of this will be Neptune.

It is important to never ever underestimate this planet. Neptune is back at home in Pisces, but it has a tendency to wash away at the base of structures, sometimes erroding them.

The Sun opposite Neptune can also point towards misunderstandings, confusion, lack of trust or at its worst deciet or illusion, sometimes self delusion. We all need to be aware of our motives, and those of others, for the next few days. So it will be next Monday, before the true power of Virgo will really gain traction.

The upside, is that Mars retains station to the Sun in a Sextile, which will be reinforced from tomorrow, when Mars arrives home in Scorpio, but more about this then. For your Horoscopes 23rd August, please join me.

Psychic Reading

Live Astrology or Psychic Reading. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.

Horoscopes 22nd August

Horoscopes 22nd August sees the Sun in its last full day in Leo, before he moves into Virgo. However do be conscious of the role of Neptune. This lies in opposition to the Sun in Pisces.

Horoscopes 22nd August

For today, this opposition between the Sun and Neptune, is known as disassociate. By tomorrow, and for a few days afterwards it will be by sign. Either way, the dreamy, rather hard to pinpoint influence of Neptune can have a subtle, but enervating influence on our situations.

For example, however fired up you are to achieve things – Sun Sextile Mars, Neptune can seem to put hard to see barriers in the way. Trust and physical energy can be affected by this, so work hard at focusing what you need to do, and if you are having any discussions, or about to sign paperwork or buy a big ticket item, proceed with caution. In fact, if you can, try to put anything major off, until next week. Your Horoscopes 22nd August, also sees the Moon penetrate into the deep and passionate Scorpio, yet later today, some intense conversations, may prove fascinating.

Psychic Reading

Live Astrology or Psychic Reading. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.


Weekly Horoscopes from 20th August

Weekly Horoscopes from 20th August. The week begins with the Moon in Libra. Yet it goes face to face with the volatile energies of Uranus later on Monday, suggesting something restless or unexpected can occur.

Weekly Horoscopes from 20th August

Yet the great link between Mercury and Uranus continues from last week, great for innovation and for pushing ourselves outside our comfort zones. The week also begins with positive links between the Sun and Mars. However, your Weekly Horoscopes from 20th August also sees the Sun move on Thursday into Virgo. For a couple of days before then, it is in a disassociate oppostion with Neptune, and then when the Sun moves, and exact opposition right until the end of the week.

This influence can see us confused as to what to do, especially around any interaction with others. If you are being offered a contract, read the small print. If you meet a new alluring person, get to know them before diving in to a full-on affair. Be conscious of your own motives, and of course of the motives of others. Realise that things are set to be hazy.


Live Astrologers and Psychics readings. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.

Astrology Weekend 18th-19th August

Astrology Weekend 18th-19th August, sees the Sun continue in Leo, but still buzzing from the background influence of the Leo New Moon. This is the most charismatic vibe, anchored by the steading influence of Saturn.

Astrology Weekend 18th-19th August

The Moon for the weekend is in Virgo, so great for being a bit more productive on the home and domestic front. You may want to make it your policy to clear away all the chores early on, freeing up time and space for more entertaining and pleasurable pursuits later on.

Mars retains a very constructive influence too, as long as you don’t try to spread yourself too thin, and achieve too much. With Mercury in Leo edging forwards it too forges a fab link to Uranus, so some bright ideas and innovation can work well too.

However your Weekend Astrology also shows Venus and Uranus clashing. Some discordant notes can be created by this, especially if  a settled tie suits one, more dominant partner, but feels controlling to the other person.

As for Uranus continuing to Square with Pluto, events in Moscow, South Africa and Syria show that in the bid for freedom, their will be sadly victims of those people, or person’s who wish to retain ruthless control and who have little desire to listen to the voices of those who are challenging this control. But…Uranus is not leaving Aries until 2019, so Mr Putin, this won’t be for ever.


Live Astrologers and Psychics readings. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.


Horoscopes 17th August

Horoscopes 17th August. Today sees the Sun and Saturn continue their powerful and helpful link, however, the potency is increased due to the New Moon in Leo. Join me to discover why…

Horoscopes 17th August

The New Moon in Leo sees the Sun enhanced in the best possible way by the Moon. In a sense, this is one of the premier New Moon’s of the whole year in astrology, due to the Sun being in its home zone in Leo.

Your Horoscopes 17th August also sees Venus move two degrees away from the exact opposition to Pluto, but the square to Uranus continues, yet deliciously after its retrograde in Leo, Mercury forges a fine link with Uranus suggesting that some of the ideas that were buzzing around you early in July, can go through something of a reprise, or new ones can inspire you.

What the New Moon’s angle to Saturn tells us, is to tap into our creative potential. If ideas are well thought through, Saturn will do all it can to sustain them for the longer term.

As for the Square between Venus and Uranus? Well, any discordant energies that have been on the backburner in a relationship, may burst into the open. However, in some ways if they do, it may be a case of better out than in, and the air can be cleared.


Live Astrologers and Psychics readings. Chat live PRIVATELY with and Astrologer or a Psychic by instant messenger for FREE, and if you have a full reading and you aren’t happy we will refund your money, 100% Guaranteed! How good is that? Psychic Readings start from 69 Pence per minute UK and 99 Cents per minute USA/World.