Horoscopes 22nd August

Horoscopes 22nd August sees the Sun in its last full day in Leo, before he moves into Virgo. However do be conscious of the role of Neptune. This lies in opposition to the Sun in Pisces.

Horoscopes 22nd August

For today, this opposition between the Sun and Neptune, is known as disassociate. By tomorrow, and for a few days afterwards it will be by sign. Either way, the dreamy, rather hard to pinpoint influence of Neptune can have a subtle, but enervating influence on our situations.

For example, however fired up you are to achieve things – Sun Sextile Mars, Neptune can seem to put hard to see barriers in the way. Trust and physical energy can be affected by this, so work hard at focusing what you need to do, and if you are having any discussions, or about to sign paperwork or buy a big ticket item, proceed with caution. In fact, if you can, try to put anything major off, until next week. Your Horoscopes 22nd August, also sees the Moon penetrate into the deep and passionate Scorpio, yet later today, some intense conversations, may prove fascinating.

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