May Monthly Overview & Magazine…

Hello & Welcome to your FREE May Astrology Magazine…

The electric energies of Uranus in Taurus provides copious amounts of potential sparkle this month as it links brightly with Mercury, Venus and Mars respectively. It’s a month when we can enjoy and appreciate life’s simple and earthy pleasures, or get seriously creative with our resources.

With warm wishes for the month, Patrick

May Monthly Overview

‘I’ve been expecting you Mr Bond’, could well be a line applicable to the Sun this May. As the fifth month not only follows the announcement of the fifth and final Bond film featuring Daniel Craig, but it also sees the self-orientated combination of the Sun in Aries replaced by the reliable Sign of Taurus, whose bond is normally his word! However, this May, this Earth Sign is something of a bond breaker, or perhaps you might say ‘bull breaker’!

For May begins with the Sun in the Sign of Taurus the bull, but this month you could say this is a ‘bull and chain’, as this usually contented bull is looking for an ‘early release’ or to ‘bail’ from the restraints it is under. This is no doubt due to the influence of the unpredictable planet Uranus, having now progressed into this typically conventional sign. This meaning that what you have come to expect from the sign of Taurus is no longer to be expected, as it undergoes a U-turn, a full 180, or what you might otherwise call a ‘bull’s I’! Due to the fact that the I.D. of this bull is called into question, as they seem unrecognisable, acting completely out of character. As normally a creature of habit, loving routine and security, it seems under the persuasion of Uranus; they become ‘safe crackers’ of sorts, not willing to put up with the status quo any longer or cracks begin to show, where otherwise you thought things were safe!

Therefore, those with personal Planets in Taurus or indeed in the other Fixed Signs of opposing Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius, should undeniably feel the effects of this transition, many desiring change and a greater sense of personal freedom. As individuals may find themselves breaking free from current situations or responsibilities, whether it is moving home, countries, changing jobs or ending relationships and so on. In short, there is a definite sense of this bull bucking the trend, as matters are upended. This may well be a welcome change to some, as Planet, Uranus is also the ‘awakener’. So, for those who have been something of a ‘bull dozer’ simply stagnating, Uranus may well give you the short, sharp shock needed to move on in life. However, remember this does not apply to everyone, as some feel securely parked in their ‘comfort zone’ and may find they are now towed away. For in short, if you are not willing to change, instead change can be foisted upon you!

This can certainly be a more unpleasant experience, initially creating disorder, through volatile, uncontrollable and chaotic events. Though, it is best to think of Uranus as ‘the lightning bolt’ in the storm, after which there are clear skies ahead. Therefore, in the long-term, this should prove beneficial, allowing something new to be created. This is not just on an individual level, especially now that Uranus has left the single minded Aries, but on a wide-scale basis. Due to Uranus being one of the Outer Planets, causing generational transformation. Therefore, it is not surprising that as Uranus and the Sun united in earthy Taurus, this change in climate was literally about climate change, as revolutionary Uranus combined with this ‘down-to-earth’ sign saw the collective take to the streets in peaceful protest. This not being a one-off episode though, as Uranus is here for the long-haul and it seems now in Taurus, the alarming as well as irreversible alterations to the Earth’s resources, are beginning to sink in. This further accentuated by a New Moon in Taurus on the 4th, bringing new initiatives and new ways to use funds, as well as everyday Mercury progressing into Taurus from the 7th, shortly followed by Venus from the 14th. This shifts the focus away from self to ‘self worth’ in all its senses, as personal finances, styling and our way of communicating, undergo an element of modification. Though, with all these Planets in the clutches of Uranus, expect things not to turn out as expected, particularly regarding government fiscal matters, as some may find they gain more money, while others gain less.

This further accentuated by Capricorn, Pluto and Saturn, still in retrograde motion, as these Planets continue to sort out past mistakes regarding over and underpayments, but this stationary position hinders progress. Whilst, also making it difficult for enduring plans and alterations to go the way envisioned, especially regarding ‘Brexit’. However, by the 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio should provide a glimmer of hope, as old, outstanding payments are settled and austere measures corrected and shady dealings brought to light.

This further reinforced by legal Sagittarius still in Jupiter, emphasising foreign matters, though it is also still in a retrograde phase hampering advancement. This causing frustrations as May commences with Mars in opposing Gemini until the 15th, as well as affecting transport overseas and creating travel hiccups. This not lessening as the month continues, as from the 21st, the Sun and Mercury instead oppose Jupiter, also highlighting the media and strange weather conditions, accentuated by Neptune still in Pisces. Though, animosity may have moved elsewhere, as from the 16th, Mars proceeds into Cancer, opposing Saturn and Pluto and heightening the effects of the Moon’s nodes, as the public become fed up with leaders and politicians dictating their lives, while many of them live different lives themselves. This leading to this month’s earthy Taurus Planets pushing a ‘grassroots’ kind of politics, from the ground up, not just in Europe but in countries such as Venezuela. As this combined Taurus and Uranus energy creates a ‘Venus fly trap’ in order to escape the poverty trap.

So, this May is more on a ‘May day, May day’, an emergency sign, and you could say that Astrology is kind of Sign language, much like the phonetic alphabet. And as May begins, we advance from ‘alpha’ to ‘uniform’, as we leave the masculine sign of Aries, first in line in the Zodiac and progress into the second in command, the Sign of Taurus! However, this month it appears there is a chink in the chain in command, as the sign of Taurus is no longer staying in the ‘line of duty’!

May Monthly Magazine

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Post Author: Patrick Arundell

Thank you for joining me astrologer, Patrick Arundell. Professional since 1995, I have had 20 Million video views and I hope my FREE Horoscopes, Personal Astrology Reports and Live Psychic Readings & Blog Posts will provide enlightenment and insights for you. Please see below for more stories...

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