Astrology 16th May 2013

Astrology 16th May 2013. The Moon is now travelling through the proud Leo, but squares with Saturn, the zodiac’s tough nut and enforcer. This may throw up a situation where you encounter someone less concerned with pleasentaries.

Astrology 16th May 2013

Mercury also moves today, ingressing into one of its two home zones of Gemini. This can be a magical location for this planet and it will be here until the 30th of May, so quite a quick visit. This encourages us all to exercise our minds, stretch our intellects, and also to embrace the wonder of communication. Yet equally, it also cautions us not to be too trite in what we say, to think before we speak. Words don’t neccessary equate to emotion or sincerity. With Venus still just inching away from that very tricky and confusing square with Neptune, this is a day to reflect as well as sparkle. What Venus does do is to begin to forge a fab link with Uranus. If you have yet to read the detailed insight of Uranus’s square to Pluto which began yesterday, please feel welcome to check out it now.

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