Astrology 5th and 6th May

Astrology 5th and 6th May. This weekend sees the Full Moon in Scorpio, one of the most intense of the year, and this one is particularly interesting because it is only a few degrees from opposing Jupiter too.

Astrology 5th and 6th May

This points towards our conduct. Jupiter can be about ethics, but also over expansion, so if you want something a little too much, it may be best to throttle back.

Or if you are leading part of your life in a way which you are not truly at ease with, tune in to it, and look to eradicate this.

Yet today does seem a brief but helpful angle between the Moon in Scorpio and Mars in Virgo, and Mercury and Venus remain playful and upbeat. Just watch for undercurrents.

Mercury opposite Saturn

Also be conscious of Mercury’s continuing opposition to Saturn, which lasts thru to the end of Monday. This can be a very lowering influence. And can see us feeling out of sorts, and focusing on the downside of life, feeling tired, or encountering obstacles. To find out why in Astrology, Saturn is such a crucial force, please join me in my special section, the Planets.

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