Horoscopes 28th June

Horoscopes 28th June. Today throws up a real tough aspect, a T Square between the Sun, Pluto and Uranus. Now in truth, the Square between Uranus and Pluto has been on-going for some while.

Horoscopes 28th June

However, now the Sun has entered Cancer, and opposes Pluto and Squares Uranus itself, the stakes are raised. Issues of control and power are to the fore. Ideas can be exchanged forcibly. Cancer is known as being a sign which is conflict averse. This is actually a simplication, for where as Cancerians may prefer to work things out through a concillitory approach, if the chips are down, this is one of the toughest members of the zodiac.

Cardinal T Square

All three zodiac signs involved in this are also Cardinal, leaders, dominators potentially. The inference here therefore is that charging ahead without careful forethough can cause real problems. This is saying to us all Slow Down! It will also throw up unexpected revelations and attitudes. One being widespread disgust at the continuing uncovering of banking and tax avoidance practices. This comes from the random influence of Uranus. Where power has been used wrongly it can be held to account. Your Horoscopes 28th June also show the Moon merging with Saturn.

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