Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

The Solar Eclipse forged a semi-sextile – a positive link with Venus. But for how long are the effects of Eclipses active? The important thing is to not view them in isolation to one another, for they work in pairs with the Lunar Eclipse of 28th November, crucial too here.

The backdrop can be for the following six months, sometimes longer, but this can be influenced by our own personal situations.

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

This Solar Eclipse in Scorpio occured in the third of the three decans – each of 10 degrees that each zodiac sign is formed in to. At 21 degrees this part of Scorpio is governed  by the Moon.

Because the Moon influences our emotions this Eclipse will potently intensify our responses and sensitivity especially as the overall co-rulers of Scorpio are the very, very powerful  Mars and Pluto.  However the Eclipse forged a semi-sextile with Venus which can provide extra finesse and relationships – be they personal or commercial can deepen. Of course, if there is a lack of simpatico this can become much more starkly obvious.

Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

So how does the Lunar Eclipse connect with this Solar Eclipse? Here the Lunar Eclipse occurs in Gemini and with the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio the two forge a quincunx. On the face of it, this aspect is not very inharmonious, but there is more…

For this polar pair of Eclipses sees Fixed, rigid and unwielding Scorpio clash with the Mutable (more moveable) and apparently less sincere influence of Gemini, especially when as it does this time at 6 degrees occur in the first Decan of Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury.

Over the next six months there could be tendency to intellectualise or talk about the need for the deeper sensitivity that the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio urges. So for us all, it’s easy to say things but do we mean what we say?

For a deeper insight into what the next six months can bring, please join me for your Horoscope 2013.