Astrology Overview April 2014

Often a sprinkle of seasoning usually enhances the flavour of something, and this certainly seems the case as April begins, alerting us that ‘Spring-calls’, welcoming the new ‘season in’! However, a little adjustment maybe necessary to make this month palatable, as it comes with some unnecessary heat, packing a surprising punch. So to deal with any unavoidable heat, fluid is the recommended approach this month!

Explosive Planetary influences

For April promises to be nothing if explosive, as having already witnessed the Sun’s progression into the fiery Sign of Aries last month, April begins with the Sun trailblazing across the skies to catch up with unpredictable Uranus. This therefore meaning that both Planets are about to meet up as the month gets underway, so expect ‘trails of the unexpected’ from this rendezvous. Since Arian energy alone is impulsive and unruly, governed by the commonly referred to, ‘warrior’ Planet, Mars. However, channelled through the burning Sun’s powerful rays and Uranus’s literally’ electric shocking’ power, makes for a formidable match. As these Planets overall provide an influx of masculine force and competitive spirit, from warring fractions and uprisings to an emphasis on male dominated industries, such as uniformed services, electriconics and engineering. While the Sun and Uranus together denote the involvement of supreme authority, the Cardinal Sign of Aries means any action happens for all to see.

Even though there may not be any time to see this action coming, as Aries acts instantaneously, so combined with unpredictable Uranus anticipate sudden activity, from anything such as quick spreading fevers, uncontrollable fires and lightning storms to explosions, injury or accidents. Furthermore, with revelatory Uranus associated with Aeronautics, surprising details regarding Malaysian Airways undiscovered aeroplane should arrive this month, sending hearts further pacing.

Cardinal Dust-up

Although, there is an overall quickening of pace this April, as at the heart of the month is what you could term a ‘critical condition’, as a struggle between all four Cardinal Planets occurs. The culmination of which comes around the 22nd, when these Planets square up at a critical degree. To put it simply, imagine this square as a hospital bed, and as you tuck the sheet’s hospital corner in tightly the other is disturbed. Well with Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto all pulling at their corner, patience is no doubt universally stretched. As this formation means ripples from events have far-reaching, universal effects. However, with malefic Planets Mars and Pluto remaining in retrograde motion throughout April, we may see some pre-existing conditions flaring up once more, unaided by Saturn’s stationary position still in Scorpio. In particular the situation around Russia continues to be of worrying concern, as Planets suggest further unsettlement, restriction and violent action, especially regarding the younger generation. While, China’s youth may also be involved in further revolts with their country, as they demonstrate against social injustices.

Collaborative UK 

Whereas in Europe, the issue of the UK government working collaboratively and remaining within the European Union seems a more promising possibility, as Planets emphasise partnerships. However, this is not without opposition, some outbursts coming from unexpected quarters this month. Whilst further resistance and revolts against government policies persist, aimed particularly at legislation benefiting the elite few at the expense of the many. This is accentuated by April’s Moon activity, as a Full Moon in Libra on the 15th is shortly followed by a New Moon in Taurus on the 29th. Both of substantial importance, as they are accompanied by Eclipses and within touching distance of those critical degrees. However, the Full Moon signifies endings; the loss of something, only made more significant by the influential South Node’s presence close by, associated with the process of letting go. Whereas, alternatively the New Moon is concerned with new beginnings, this month energised with the Sun’s transition into Taurus from the 20th. Although what both Moons do share is the Taurus and Libra ruling Planet, Venus, linked to beauty, luxury and expense.

Hence, for the UK these Moons signify an ending to self orientated, over-extravagant behaviour. This instead replaced by a drive towards sharing, particularly regarding financial resources. As simultaneously new action and uproar against banks and financial institutions begins. This is reflected across the pond too, as the political and financial hubs in the U.S are spotlighted, with deceptions in banking systems being tackled and people taking back power into their own hands. This only further emphasised when Mercury co-joins the Sun opposing Saturn from the 23rd, as individuals begin to evaluate their personal income against taxes. As there begins a questioning of whether we should all be responsible for our own resources and expenditure in a socially unjust and unequal society. Furthermore, President Obama also comes under scrutiny on the political stage, regarding diplomatic relations and may need to develop a new tact to avoid April showers.

Mercury and Saturn help out 

On a positive note, Mercury starts the month in Pisces along with Venus from the 6th making good aspects to Saturn. This should see new policies and legislation tightening up loopholes for the vulnerable in hospitals, especially the elderly. Long-term strategy for people with drug and alcohol dependencies should receive further coverage to ensure adequate care, so by the time the Sun, Mercury and Uranus unite in Aries from the 8th, any previous inadequate policies will have been uncovered and shelved, ready for fresh initiatives activated by this month’s Cardinal catalyst. As this spring brings the birth of a Cardinal chrysalis of sorts, the outcome initiating a real, global ‘butterfly effect’!

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Post Author: Patrick Arundell