Astrology Overview for 15th January 2018

The concentration of energy in the sign of Capricorn continues this week, and there is going to be a lovely and nuanced link between Mercury and Neptune suggest that communication can be both to the point but also sensitive to the needs of situations and the people we encounter.

However, from mid week Venus makes its way into the sign of Aquarius and is joined at the weekend by the Sun. This conjunction is really lovely and friendly and is a welcome diversion from the commitment and responsibility that the planets have been asking us to fulfil in the early parts of this year. Mind, this Capricorn in energy is going to provide a backdrop right throughout 2018 not least because of the role of both Saturn and Pluto in the sign, but still, this is a chance to emerge from our cocoons – and particularly in the northern hemisphere, and to link up with friends, associates, and is really engage with interests that really stimulate us – should there has been a hiatus since the turn of the year.

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Mind, there is still a New Moon in Capricorn this week, so the next four weeks still offers ample opportunities to be mindful of the things that we know we should be grappling with but perhaps now we can just bring a more democratic and relating by mention to our approach with the aid of this Aquarius energy. Venus is though in a right angle with Uranus in the early parts of this week, and if there has this been a situation around a relationship, which has been rather too much duty over how much pleasure or at least respect is being gained, the transit of Venus into Aquarius can be an opportunity to reassert liberation, but to do so in a friendly but assertive way.

The Sun’s combination with Venus in Aquarius is certainly an opportunity for us all to celebrate the things we have in common with people. Of course this is the age of “I” where as Aquarius is very much about “”We” so any opportunity we have to work more collectively with others, such as group projects, socially motivated causes, or just meeting up and having some good old fun, can definitely be well timed. Equally this is an opportunity to work closely with our romantic partner, or if we’re single to enjoy mixing and mingling more, because quite simply the more we can, the more we going to improve our chances of encountering someone we can really like. For more information or to watch your zodiac sign Weekly Video forecast or join me at Free Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes

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Post Author: Patrick Arundell