Horoscopes July 2nd

Horoscopes July 2nd. The month begins still heavily influenced by the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Both these signs are related to power in their own ways, being Cardinal or leadership signs.

Horoscopes July 2nd

Cancer is famed for good stewardship, the careful governance of things. Capricorn is concerned with status, traditional power, success, and durability. We can see with elections taking place around the world in Mexico and Egypt, and political uncertainty in the European Markets, and financial uncertainty in London and Europse, that there are some very powerful forces, often opposing forces going on.

The influence that is causing these to really ignite is that of Uranus, which is a free radical in Aries, and a very unsettling. This is because Uranus in Aries has a tendency to buck tradition, to rebel against convention, and to push for rights.

A lot of the energy which is exploding is where information has been kept secret, or used for selfish purposes. Check your Horoscopes July 2nd.